this past week obviously didn’t have a lot of updates. i was sick for a majority of the week with a random bug and the weather has been less than spectacular. however, there is very exciting photography news!
i am very happy to announce that i will be hanging a mini gallery at Wine ‘n Things on Creedmoor Rd. in Raleigh. there will be six 8x10s matted, framed, and available for purchase starting the week of march 9th. it’s a very impressive and popular wine store and i am honored to have a chance to have my work seen by their customers.
in personal news, the kittens got a new cat tree that is holding their interest quite well:
also, a few of us went bowling this weekend for the first time in a looong time. back in pittsburgh there are tons of bowling alleys, but it doesn’t seem like there are too many in raleigh. also, pittsburgh has a lot of what i call “organic” bowling alleys – i.e. bowling alleys without all the hoopla of giant screens that drop from the ceiling, black lights, and glow-in-the-dark murals. they’re just bowling alleys. the alley we went to last night was anything but organic… and i have to admit, it’s really hard to concentrate on your game when there’s a large screen showing marky mark and the funky bunch.
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