Welcome to our 5th annual Making Fools of Ourselves blog post! Yet another wonderful installment to show you just how gross we end up looking on wedding days. Here are more out-of-focus pictures of me looking totally bewildered and overwhelmed, and more photos of Geoff looking perfectly content and calm. More hairstyle changes than you can shake a fist at, more dog wrangling, and more awkward looking yoga poses in a corner while we wait for someone to bring us food. We’re not going to pretend we look good. We don’t. The light’s bad. The backgrounds are bad. We’ve been on our feet for eight hours trying to pose twelve drunken wedding party members and all we’ve eaten is a protein bar. But this blog post serves as proof that…. Geoff… can… stand in for my light metering?… and that I….need a step stool sometimes? I don’t know, you guys seem to like it.

2 nice things said