woah! we’re on youtube!
let’s start at the beginning, shall we?
last year i had the pleasure of photographing family portraits for susan whitehead and her adorable family who were then new clients for me. susan and michael are fantastic parents and have a beautiful family of little girls and a baby boy. thankfully we’ve kept touch via twitter since the shoot. however, it just so happens that susan and her husband michael run an internet marketing business and this year we swapped services – portraits for video. :) networking is awesome!
i had the idea that i wanted to put together some tips for couples in order to get better photographs. most couples don’t realize what they can do in order to make their lives (and the lives of their wedding photographer) much easier on their wedding day. so i compiled a list of the top ten things that i see happen the most that couples might want to think about while they plan their wedding. obviously, this isn’t a comprehensive list nor does it absolutely need to be followed to a t… but it’s something to definitely think about!
so we recorded some audio and sent susan some pictures which she gratefully compiled for us and worked her internet magic! and here we are!
hopefully this will be useful to some bride somewhere! i look forward to posting more videos in the future.
special thanks to:
susan whitehead – for her internet marketing abilities and being a wonderful client!
dottie & jon cole – for being awesome and agreeing to let me post their wedding photographs far and wide. :)

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