Bret Likes: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, dogs, The Wire, IPA, and Cookie Crisp.
Bret Dislikes: Spiders, tuna, shopping for clothes.
Bret’s Unusually Impressive Feats of Accomplishment: Air Force veteran, served as Middle East and Korean intelligence analyst (in Korean he worked in an underground bunker and can speak fluent Korean), worked at the NSA, MBA from John Hopkins and has scuba dived with sharks.
Jessica Likes: Jeopardy, reading, fleece pajama pants, macaroni and cheese, reminding her loved ones of any ailment she thinks she might have.
Jessica Dislikes: Flying, doing the dishes, getting up early, and all the ailments she thinks she has.
Jessica’s Unusually Impressive Feats of Accomplishment: Taught in Psychology and English departments at Harvard, recruited to teach two Psychology courses at John Hopkins, started GlazerTalks LLC and and travels internationally to teach about Positive Psychology.
Ollie’s Likes: Playing soccer with a tennis ball, sticks, giving high-fives.
Ollie’s Dislikes: Dressing up as a firefighter for Halloween.
Ollie’s Unusually Impressive Feats of Accomplishment: Has visited 15 US states so far and is the handsomest puppy on Earth.
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