This was my second time visiting the incredible Greensboro Science Center for a shoot with Cat and Mitchell! They’re members there and their kids are obsessed, so it’s a great place to spend the day and explore. I love this family. They’ve been close friends of ours for a long time, and we’ve known their kids since they were babies. And their kids are INCREDIBLE. They’re both really sweet and silly and insane and I love them. The youngest said she would “only be taking pictures with silly faces” during this shoot, and she did not disappoint. In fact, I think one of the few normal pictures she took was when I said, “Look at that llama made out of tinsel,” and she then ran over and posed and smiled politely with him. Smiling politely the rest of the time is not really her thing – her thing is mostly making weirdo faces and being the most excited child in the history of excited children. She also loves Halloween. I think we’re the same person. Her older brother is also very excited but in a slightly more reserved way, as evidenced by his extraordinary professional posing abilities. Can he walk over to a dock and put his hands in his pockets and pop a hip like a 1993 JC Penny’s catalogue or an ad for Dawson’s Creek? You bet. Can he find a turtle statue and sit on it in such a way where it looks like it’s a presidential campaign photo? Absolutely. Meanwhile, his sister is fake vomiting off the same dock. I love them so much.
I believe this is my 7th time photographing Cat and Mitchell and that calls for a toast… of gluten-free pizza… which we did immediately after the session. Cat might be my first gluten-free friend in NC, and I am incredibly grateful for her wisdom and guidance in my first months of diagnosis, and her resolute assurance that Italy was the absolute best vacation destination for the gluten-free (she was right). It’s been nice having a partner in rice-based recommendations. We don’t live super close to each other but we always try to base our get-togethers around food (which is the right choice), and we’re always trying new gluten-free restaurants. This session ended in us splitting multiple gf pizza flavors which resulted in two leftover boxes in the fridge (one for mine and one for Geoff), which their son Cameron labeled for us with a crayon, and it was very helpful.
I love these guys and I’m not sure what more there is to say. Cameron’s our bud and Sarah was a baby but now she’s our bud too. Sarah, I think, is just me somehow. Like my having photographed her parents enough somehow embedded my DNA into Cat and Mitchell and now Sarah is like, 25% Carolyn. She’s obsessed with Halloween and her favorite song is the Ghostbusters theme and Halloween and spooky things are really all she wants to talk about. I relate to that on a deep level. I need to work on getting her interested in cats (I tried to show her the pictures of our cats, but all she really wanted to see was a video of our 12ft skeleton at Halloween… I’ll work on it). I also have a lot in common with Cameron, who likes animals (especially their dog Biscuit) and basically any food that’s sweet. They are truly good, sweet, polite, funny, fantastic kids. But of course they are because Cat and Mitchell are their parents and they are wonderful people.
Cat and Mitchell are two very good friends of ours. They’ve been photographed 6 times by us (insert lots of happy, nostalgic tears here) and we love love love them. Our relationship started out by us photographing them in unusually frigid weather for their engagement session in Greensboro, progressed to me jumping in a bouncy castle with Cat during a break in shooting their wedding, and now it’s devolved into me complaining about kidney stones to them at a Weezer concert. So they’re quite special to us, and now so are their children. Their son Cameron is seriously *the* sweetest and most adorable kid. Look at him. Look at him! He is constantly a smiling, happy, joyful little dude who is so sweet I could cry. He let me win at Candy Land. What 3 year old does that? He’s the best. (Note: did not let his parents win at Candy Land, definitely beat them by a landslide).
Sarah, his newfound little sister, is adorable and excels at looking cute, wearing baby Hawaiian print shirts, and staying awake until the exact moment I start eating lunch. Together, they are an unstoppable brother/sister duo I adore. We got to meet her and hang out with Cat and Mitchell for a day at Mitchell’s family’s new house in Kure Beach. This day mostly involved us discussing and worrying about rip tides, sharks, flesh-eating bacteria, and brain-eating amoebas before we finally were all brave enough to swim. Happy to say that none of things we worried about came true. However, I did break into hives for no reason and had to go in (it’s always the things you don’t see coming, isn’t it?). But – all’s well that ends well. We had a beautiful day at the coast with this family of four and we love them. Also, new family rule: no pictures ever again of any of you unless you’re all wearing matching Hawaiian outfits.
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