Krishna and Dan were one of our last weddings back in 2019 so it was wonderful to see them again!! It turns out that they live very close to us and we go to the same pool so I’m excited to have additional pool friends. I’m also excited because I turned Krishna on to the magnificent world of linen overalls and now I have successfully converted another person into a member of the Garden Witch Pants Club. Krishna and Dan are lovely humans who enjoy travel and hiking and good depressing tv shows. They have an adorable small child named Ari who is a JOY. He is very smiley and loves peekaboo books which make him giggle endlessly (and his entire body jumps up and down when he giggles, which is so fun). When you dress him up in traditional Indian clothes, he looks extremely professional and like he wants to talk to you about your retirement accounts. His favorite pastime involves smiling charmingly at Charlie, their precious terrier mutt, and Charlie’s favorite pastime is running away from Ari. Ari’s second favorite pastime involves eating watermelon in a kiddie pool, which I think is the perfect summertime activity. It’s all very cute and I’m thrilled to have been reunited with this crew!

This was my first time meeting and photographing Jordan, Blair, and Jameson, and it was such a delight! Jameson just turned one and he’s a total camera ham who loves to giggle and hang out with Bandit, his puggle with the best underbite. He’s also into feeding his parents Cheerios and attacking them with lightsabers, crawling up the stairs quickly and without permission the second the baby gate is opened, wrestling with Chewbacca, and splashing around his water table and the neighborhood pool. He was so fun to photograph and he was a total champ on this hot summer day! In between shots of Jameson, Blair also fed Bandit chunks of watermelon, which was very adorable to watch. I’ve never seen a dog be so excited about watermelon, or even eat watermelon at all. He was into it. When not eating watermelon or following his family around, Bandit likes to hang out underneath Jameson’s high chair and wait for additional scraps of food to accidentally make their way down to him. This family is so sweet and we had a great time talking gardens and Star Wars between photographs. So happy I got to be a part of their photo history.

THESE GUYS! We have become fast friends with this family through our mutual love of horror movies and rock music and cats and fun clothes and cheese and skeletons and 28 Days Later. We love them very much. Their children are A TOTAL BALL OF ENERGETIC FUN that could probably power a small country if someone could figure out a way to plug them into the power grid. They’re fast. They’re wild. They like Andrew WK dance parties and they’re obsessed with the movie Labyrinth. There has never been anyone in my entire life that’s ever been more excited to see me than Oz. Spoiler alert to my own self-esteem: I think maybe Oz is excited to see everyone, but I’m going to keep pretending that he likes me the most.

Both Vera and Oz launch straight into 10 minute overlapping monologues when I see them, and then once I’ve been whirlwind updated and usually assigned a pair of sunglasses or a specific spot that they’d like me to sit, they will usually take turns sitting with me and telling me about Pokemon or Peppa the Pig until they go to bed. They are absolute sweethearts and totally wild and I hope they never change. The entire family, like myself, loves what Christie calls “aggressively patterned” colorful clothes, and I think this is the best description ever. There are also 2 cats: Eggroll, who is my best friend forever orange boy, and Jayne, who is a beautiful white cat who also likes me but really also loves her sleeping spot in the closet. There are also 2 dogs: Butters and Klaus, both Corgis, both love eating hot dogs that Vera accidentally drops on the floor. I love them all and want to scoop up this entire family and give them a giant hug or live with them forever in a bounce house.