This is the first engagement shoot that I’ve done where a ceramic alligator has been present, and I must say it was very fulfilling to have him there.

Rachel is perhaps the most giggly girl I’ve met. Always happy, always excited. Matt is Rachel’s cool calm, but is also always happy, always excited, just very cool and calm and collected about it. Jade is their super cute puppy who is not cool or calm or collected, but is VERY EXCITED. Mernerner is their ceramic alligator that Matt painted for Rachel while they were dating (he is a piggy bank alligator) who is the most cool, calm, and collected of the bunch (because he is ceramic).

Together we romped around the park and took engagement pictures. Rachel taught me that packing clothes for the holiday trip to your parents is best done in Tupperware (Rachel – I did this when I went home for Thanksgiving, and I could fit 50% more in there than I could in my giant suitcase and it was awesome). Matt taught me about kayaking (they met while Matt was teaching a class). Jade taught me that TREATS ARE AWESOME. And Mernerner taught me to save for retirement. It was awesome and Geoff and I can’t wait for their wedding next September!