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adventures at the angus barn.

so a little over a week ago geoff and i had an event that we shot for con-way freight out of ann arbor, michigan at the angus barn in raleigh. the people were outstanding and we had a wonderful time, not to mention ate wonderful food! although i’m known to have a thing for any type of pasta, i decided that i had to have filet mignon since i was at a renown steakhouse instead of, say, their cheese ravioli. the steak was wonderful! we ended up with a lot of wonderful shots of the great con-way freight crew and the beautiful angus barn (pictured below):






this was the cake that the crew got the angus barn to give to their boss…it was going to be his birthday in a few days. awesome!




i’ve been super busy with clients lately and getting things figured out with my canon (a few pixels are dead and i’m going to have to return it)… also, my friend is coming in from out of town this weekend, so i’ll probably be updating next on monday…maybe in between if i get a chance. :) have a great weekend!


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