my new sample coffee table book arrived today and it’s awesome…so much cooler than the last one. i wanted to take photographs of it for the blog, but it arrived a little late and i wanted to use natural light to photograph it, so it’ll have to wait til tomorrow. can’t wait for the new sample album to arrive in a few weeks (hopefully less!)!
sat on the deck this evening and talked to my dad. snapped some photos of a plant sticking it out in a shell of its former ceramic pot home. last year i planted a large flowering plant in this awesome green pot in the middle of the deck. it was supposedly the hardiest plant ever and could survive anything. i specifically chose it for these qualities because everyone who knows me knows that i can’t take care of plants to save my life.
so it did awesome in the summer and into the fall and winter, but, of course, i completely forgot that it was out there for the entire winter. so add snow, freeze it, thaw it, then repeat the process like twelve more times and you end up with a few cracked pots and little ceramic chips all over your deck. it looks like i went out there with a sledgehammer and smashed all of our pots to pieces during a particularly frustrating episode of lost.
it still remains to be seen whether or not the plant will come back in the summer, but it actually seems to be in good shape. i’ll know that our relationship was meant to be if it returns…because geez, i cannot be trusted to take care of plants.

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