meet rosalyn and patrick: two lawyers currently residing in charlotte. rosalyn is a north carolina native while patrick’s family lives in washington state. both sides of the family came together at the always lovely american tobacco bay 7 in durham for this gorgeous wedding. :) they’re a beautiful couple and we had a great time getting to know them and their family and friends. i’m so happy we were able to be a part of it!
so happy rosalyn chose wavelengths salon in durham to get her hair done! i love shooting there. great colors, great light, and a super accommodating staff. i told them that i’m slowly accumulating pictures of all of their staff members, hehe.

she went veil-less and opted for the orchids in the hair! nice touch!

she bought a washington state garter on etsy for patrick’s alma mater. :) cute!

the ceremony was held at st. philips in downtown durham, nc. very dark and lots of restrictions in terms of where i could stand, but a very beautiful old church and a great ceremony.

and now we’re on to american tobacco bay 7 for the wedding reception. such a neat place to shoot.

are you ready for tons of reception pictures?! i loved this. not only is bay 7 neat looking by itself, but they had a lighting guy come in and string up some awesome white lanterns and market lights. it was adorable…so prepare for the excessive amount of reception pictures i’m blogging! aaaannddd GO!

i was able to work with my friend brian mcguire of mcsound productions for this wedding reception. guy throws a great party!

goodnight, american tobacco! and congratulations, rosalyn and patrick! thank you for allowing me to be part of your beautiful wedding. :)
Lovely photos. The market lights and paper lanterns in your photos are the work of my company, Get Lit, Special Event Lighting. If you could find a way to note us in the credits this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!