Our first e-mail from Melanie said, “Two girls getting married in Durham seek cool, laid-back, easy-going, ridiculously talented photographers to capture every detail of this illegal venture on June 7, 2013 at Duke Gardens. Two wedding dresses, two mothers of the bride, two step dads, one dad, two maids of honor, zero bridesmaids and one awesome party. We met at a white trash party, Nicole took Mel’s stitches out after ACL surgery and impressively told the surgeon “I got this.” A year later Mel saw Nicole doing Soulja Boy moves on the dance floor and knew she needed to get to know this girl better. So she did. We are celebrating the fifth anniversary of our first date on 12/12/12. Mel asked Nicole to marry her on Labor Day and gave her a ring. A month later Nicole asked Mel to marry her back and gave HER a ring. Because you can do cool stuff like that when you are two girls.” For reference – Melanie is in the pink dress, Nicole is in the ivory dress.
We loved them instantly. Then they came over to our house and Nicole wore this sweater. At that moment, we may or may not have begged them to let us shoot their wedding. They agreed. Then all went out to see Jurassic Park in 3D. They screamed really loud when the velociraptor attacked. Then we photographed their “gay and awesome” wedding ceremony (our first gay wedding!). And then went out two days later to see Iron Man (not in 3D… and no screaming this time). We found out that the paths behind our houses connect so they’re going to be seeing a lot more of us (provided they like their pictures) so that we can visit their elderly cat named Syd (see below) whom Carolyn befriended at the wedding.
Besides it being the first gay wedding we’ve photographed, it was also the biggest wedding heist we’ve EVER seen pulled off in the history of our career. I’d use this blog to lecture all of you ladies out there who are afraid of the rain on your wedding day, but I’m kind of sure that the pictures speak for themselves. Red/orange radar from a tropical storm and two brides who didn’t care at all but who were determined to take pictures outdoors come hell or high water (quite literally very high). We were soaked (and changed our clothes before the ceremony; Carolyn blow-dried her shoes in their bathroom) but the girls stayed relatively dry thanks to umbrellas… and this should prove to ALL of you that it’s better to dance in the rain than to have indoor pictures. Anyway – it was wet. The ground was flooded. Duke Gardens wouldn’t put out chairs because they would destroy the extremely saturated grass. But Melanie and Nicole are like the honey badgers of the bride world and had their wedding outside anyway with standing guests. The sun came out one hour prior to ceremony time. It was amazing and totally unreal. Their pictures after the ceremony at Duke Gardens are a sunny day. One of their guests asked us the evening before what’s the craziest thing we’ve ever seen at a wedding – and now we have an answer. :)

Date: June 7, 2013
Ceremony and Reception Venue: Duke Gardens // Durham, NC
First Dance Song: “I Remember” – Whitley
Melanie’s Occupation: Healthcare Market Consultant
Nicole’s Occupation: Physician Assistant
How You Met: A sequence of events that included a white trash party, stitches, and dancing the Soulja Boy.
Interesting Melanie Fact: Had ancestors on the Mayflower, can be spotted as an extra in the movie Whip It, and can’t fold a fitted sheet to save her life.
Interesting Nicole Fact: Swam with sharks and touched the Pope, though not at the same time.
Honeymoon Destination: Italy next year! We hope.
Vendor Credits: Officiant – Antoinette Polito (friend) | DJ – All the Right Grooves | Florist – Melanie and Nicole and Whole Foods :-) | Cake – Durham Catering Co | Caterer – Durham Catering Co | Hair/Makeup – Angela Goldman, owner, A Go-Go Salon | Coordinator – Nicole Conder, Premier Party Planning
I love those pictures. Every details of the wedding had been captured. And I like the concept that they use. The ladies are all gorgeous with their wedding dresses. All in all the pictures are great. Good photography!
Thank you, Allen!
One week later……. What a gorgeous collection of wonderful memories! XOXO…. T&H
Thank you!