We could shoot in people’s homes all day. We love houses, we love architecture, and we love looking at how other people decorate…. especially when they’re an architect. :) Guys, remember Lauren and Nick?! They moved to Atlanta shortly after their wedding in Raleigh and we’ve seen Lauren a few times since when she’s come home to visit (and to join us at Steely Dan concerts). But this time we went down to Atlanta, Georgia to see them both and to photograph them in their home and with their kittens Maple & Moo (actually named Rocky, but with the striking cow resemblance, it’s hard to pass on the nickname).
Lauren’s an architect and they bought this awesome house in the city, but they knew it needed work. It was previously a duplex, so they had to gut the whole thing, completely redesign it, and rebuild the entire interior save for the load-bearing walls (wanna see how they did it? Check out Lauren’s blog on her house!). The house was split directly down the middle with one apartment on one side and one on the other. In their current living room stood a bathroom (complete with giant bathtub) and several super tiny rooms. Their guest bedroom was once a living room and a galley kitchen. It was a SERIOUS project and renovation, but it has to be so awesome to be living in a house that you designed and created yourselves (it also causes Lauren and Nick to love to watch HGTV and make fun of people turning down houses based on paint color and granite countertops).
So our task for this particular shoot was to photograph them in their home but mostly focus on the house. We were, essentially, to make Lauren and Nick those tiny little model people used in architectural models for scale. We knew exactly what they were looking for as we would love to have the same thing in our house, so we were super excited to get to work. But then we were introduced to their kittens. And we used kittens for scale, sure, but… kittens. I couldn’t help but take too many pictures of the cats (is that a thing?). So get ready for tiny Lauren+Nick, lots of cats (scale and otherwise), and a ridiculous amount of gorgeous furniture and design (I’m pretty sure I left lots of things in their guest bedroom to make sure I could slyly return to their house again).

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