Search Results for: gilded bridal

I’ve been working with Gilded Bridal in various capacities for yeaaaars. They are my pals, my rockstar small biz colleagues, my boardgame partners. This time I was tasked with getting updated photographs of their beautiful shop in downtown Raleigh. It’s filled with amazing wedding gowns, all of which I wish I could try on and run around the store. Dresses of every size, shape, variety – sleeves, no sleeves, black, white, ivory, lace, satin, etc. So many beautiful fabrics and accessories that it’s a dream to walk around it. Annnd it’s a dream to work with their staff, who are my favorite people. Zan, the owner, has been my friend for many years (actually over a decade now, I just checked, woo!) and I adore them. They’re a badass boss and a formidable board game opponent and they went on a safari and showed me videos of lions and it was great. Their amazing team is also incredible! Makenzie and Pamela are a ton of fun, hilarious, and easy to work with as a photographer (and as a bride!). As part of this small business branding shoot, I updated their shop photos as well as their individual and group headshots while we listened to a lot of U2 (Zan and I are big fans) and ran around doing silly things. I love this group of people and this unique and fun bridal shop!

Couldn’t be happier to be reunited for a fashion shoot with my pals at Gilded Bridal. I’ve been friends with the owner Zan for quite a long time and we always have the best time. I’ve worked with a few of her models before and they’re all just lovely inside and out. They all tolerated me saying really ridiculous and stupid things for four hours and I can’t thank them enough. We shared a ton of laughs and a great afternoon. So happy to be back in the branding photography world and commercial fashion shoots are one of my favorites. Who doesn’t like photographing incredible women in beautiful dresses? Here’s a smidgeon of the pictures because I had an impossible time narrowing them down.

Hair + Makeup: Wedded Kiss

Venue: The Graham Mill // Graham, NC

Sarah Hesselink
Andre’a Hopkins
Summer Lawrence
Kayla Smith
Mina von Feilitzsch

Recently caught up with my forever friends at Gilded Bridal to work on updating some store photos and to grab some headshots of Susan’s new girls, Jensen and Makenzie. It’s no secret that Gilded is one of my favorite places to photograph not only because it is ALWAYS FUN to photograph fancy dresses, but because Susan is a ridiculously fun person. This is quite evident in everything she does, but also evident in how happy her staff is. Everyone is relaxed and incredibly silly, and they all make my job easy just by being themselves. I had already worked with Jensen at another shoot, so I was aware that she’s a super chill and funny person, but I hadn’t yet met Makenzie until this shoot, and SURPRISE: she is also a super chill and funny person. I don’t think Susan would hire anyone who wasn’t, but still. I love how much I always love her staff. I don’t work at Gilded but I kinda wish I did because look at them!