Amelia and Cory are two awesome folks who were living in the north and moved to North Carolina not too long ago. They like to take walks with their pup Jax and go to various parks in the area. We met up with them at Bond Park on a seriously beautiful fall day. The only problem with it was the fact that it had rained for about two weeks straight and everything was muddy and also flooded. But! Amelia, Cory, and their adorable little dog (who is apparently a North Carolina type of wild dog – who knew?) were up for the task of photos in the swamp. Jax was also up for JUST HANGING OUT AND BEING THERE WITH HIS PARENTS, YEAAAAHHH!!! Seriously, Jax was probably the most enthusiastic client we’ve ever had in terms of sheer excitement, and also he did not get tired of smiling. It took a bit more work to get him to focus, but thankfully he loves tennis balls as much as he loves his parents, so he would pay attention to us briefly if we could distract him long enough between licking his parents’ faces. He is very excited to see them get married up in Michigan next year!

say nice things