ahhhh office parties. who doesn’t love them? it brings to mind that seinfeld episode where elaine’s boyfriend fell off the wagon and they hid under the desk like it was cape fear. :)
sportsmedia, or SMT, celebrated its 20th anniversary last week by hosting a casino night. geoff works at sportsmedia (they make the yellow lines and scoring for sunday night football, xgames, NBA TV, MLB network, etc), and i was photographing the evening’s event for his office. it was a pretty cool idea for an office party! they rented tuxedos for all the guys that work there and hired a party company to come set up and deal casino games. the more “money” you won, the more times your name went into a drawing to win one of three ipads. it was neat!

geoff gambling… he ended with a little over $59,000! that would’ve more than paid for our wedding, honeymoon, and a down payment on a house….if it wasn’t monopoly money. :(

the owner of SMT and a few of the workers have a band (augmented reality) and they played at the end of the night. gotta love guitar shots!

the owner’s mom was there being adorable and gambling with the best of them!

as she was about to pull the final raffle winner out of the bowl she said, “watch, i bet i’ll pull my name!” and sure enough, she did!

our friend travis, modeling how suspenders are perfect for doing that old-timey-thumb-holding-suspenders-thing.