Nicolette and Tom love the countryside. And because we love Nicolette and Tom, we put on our bug spray and tick repellent and braved the high grass of a private farm in Pittsboro with only moderate bug anxiety. It was hot and humid and I did find a couple of ticks on me (bonus points: only reacted with mild shrieking and was able to get them off before they bit me), but these guys are so freaking adorable that it didn’t much matter. I’m convinced you could place Nicolette and Tom in front of a scene of terrible destruction and mayhem, and they’d make it look really good. Nicolette is currently living in Connecticut where she’s a songwriter and musician with her sisters, and Tom is currently stationed in NC with the Marine Corps. After they get married they plan on possibly moving to Nashville, eventually, where they’ll up the attractiveness level in Tennessee by 25,000 points.