We spent a lazy Sunday morning at the home of incredibly talented illustration artist Anna, her awesome husband John, their little adorable almost-two-year-old daughter Lou, and happy pup Keva. We knew we’d like them based on Anna’s artwork, but we liked them even more when we saw their house, and even more when we saw their giant red stuffed squid pillow, and even more still when we saw three little dolls all made to look like the three of them even complete with John’s tattoos (a family friend made them). They have a striped tent! They have a little plastic toy Fisher-Price camera! John made Lou a puddle from a hose for her to jump in but she kinda just wanted to throw boats in it! Lou has learned family responsibilities like feeding the dog but just kinda gets dog food all over herself but it’s really cute! Anna can draw bunnies from chalk faster than anyone we’ve ever seen! Go, go admire their cuteness.

3 nice things said