I’ve been having such a good time giving Carolyn Scott Photography bat logo stickers to toddlers all over the Triangle area before I take their photographs and seeing where they put the stickers. So far they’ve put the stickers in a lot of normal places (shelving units, paper, toys), and a lot of not-as-common places (cars). After “The Car Incident” I started telling toddlers to ask their parents for permission before they decide on sticker placement, but I have about a 20% success rate with toddler instruction retention. Elijio was one of the 80% who hear my instructions, understand them, but swiftly disregard them because it’d be more fun to cause sticker mayhem. He came into this game strong. First he put the stickers on his parents’ leather couch. But then he immediately pulled them off (they came off, thank goodness), and stuck them in his dad’s hair. I was a bit worried about that because Humberto has thick curly hair and I was… concerned. But thankfully the stickers also came out of his dad’s hair and then went directly onto Elijio’s own face. All within the first 5 minutes of the photoshoot.
It could’ve all gone horribly wrong so quickly upon my arrival but thankfully leather couches, hair, and faces were all saved. In fact, more stickers were added to the mix when Mom and Dad introduced The Little Gems. The Little Gems were tiny gem stickers that Elijio then put all over everything. Best placement there was, by far, the bejeweled Pterodactyl. Then Bill and Susan, Maggie’s parents, came over, and also became bejeweled before we all went down to the park and played dinosaurs and threw pinecones into the pond. All’s well that ends well and another successful photoshoot was ended without too much Goo Gone being required. A big thanks to Maggie and Humberto for their sense of humor and for having me back!