This was my first time meeting and photographing Jordan, Blair, and Jameson, and it was such a delight! Jameson just turned one and he’s a total camera ham who loves to giggle and hang out with Bandit, his puggle with the best underbite. He’s also into feeding his parents Cheerios and attacking them with lightsabers, crawling up the stairs quickly and without permission the second the baby gate is opened, wrestling with Chewbacca, and splashing around his water table and the neighborhood pool. He was so fun to photograph and he was a total champ on this hot summer day! In between shots of Jameson, Blair also fed Bandit chunks of watermelon, which was very adorable to watch. I’ve never seen a dog be so excited about watermelon, or even eat watermelon at all. He was into it. When not eating watermelon or following his family around, Bandit likes to hang out underneath Jameson’s high chair and wait for additional scraps of food to accidentally make their way down to him. This family is so sweet and we had a great time talking gardens and Star Wars between photographs. So happy I got to be a part of their photo history.