Kai and Josh contacted us way back in January about their wedding while they were looking for venues and trying to decide between some awesome ones in the mountains. Kai was a bridesmaid in a previously stellar wedding where we loved all the people involved and we spoke for a long time regarding wedding venues and preparing for their engagement session. Unfortunately fate was not with us as the only date their awesome venue had open (Hawkesdene House, we love you, and will return someday!) we were already booked for, and then their engagement session was cancelled once for no leaves on the trees back in early April and then again for rain in later April. :) But we didn’t let it deter us – and we soldiered on to finnnnally shoot their engagement session at their home and meet these wonderful people! There was a lot of poison ivy and I discovered the next day that I was bit by a tick, so he’s remaining in a Ziplock bag in our refrigerator for 30 days just in case I have any symptoms… since that’s how our luck has been going with their session.
Despite said luck, we think their pictures are adorable. And they’re adorable! And we talked about tv and books and music and had fun with their ridiculously cute and friendly dog Kora, whom they rescued together when they were still friends. They then made excuses to go see their joint-adopted dog which basically translated to them watching the whole series of Lost together and, let’s face it, what couple hasn’t been brought closer by watching Lost, right? All the time travel and the polar bears and the button pushing every 108 minutes is bound to turn any meaningful friendship into a lifelong marriage. We wish Kai and Josh the absolute best and just may invite ourselves over again to eat their bean dip and S’mores.