Keena and Dink are a great couple whom I had the pleasure of meeting through the Downtown Raleigh Alliance. They are super into downtown Raleigh and both live and work there. As Keena told me, “It’s our whole world.” There were a few specific places Keena and Dink wanted to go, and they toted me around in their car to them. :) They wanted to go to the places that they usually frequent in order to get a sense in the pictures of their happy lives that they live downtown. They’re a huge fan of the local restaurants and the Boylan Bridge Brewpub, so we went up there toward the end so I could photograph them inside one of their favorite places. :) Dink is a bankruptcy lawyer and Keena is in legal marketing. They both conveniently work in the same building! They’re having a small ceremony downtown in May, and then they’re heading to Las Vegas with family and friends to celebrate with another ceremony (but no Elvis). ;) Enjoy!

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