Abby and Aaron are getting married at one of our favorite wedding venues in the Outer Banks in August – Pelican’s Landing in Corolla. It’s seriously fantastic, and we’re so excited to return. They have a longstanding tradition of being at the beach despite not being from there and despite currently living in Chapel Hill. Their first date was in Atlantic Beach going mini golfing and to the aquarium (Abby is a self-professed aficionado about each), and Abby lived in Wilmington for a short period of time where she spent a lot of time at the beach (of course). Aaron can body surf, but Abby’s afraid of sea creatures so she doesn’t get very far into the water. So this love of the beach turned into an engagement session at the beach, and they were nice enough to bring us out to Nags Head for their engagement session “exploring on the pier! I love piers. They are right up there with aquariums.”
Abby and I discovered on our visit that we generally talk like 4th graders. At one point Abby discussed her love of sharks by saying, “Sharks are my favorite. I like all sharks.” At another point, I kicked around some said and said, “I like sand. It is cool.” So, that was kind of how the session went. Aaron and Geoff wondering how they got here while Abby and I had philosophical discussions about sand and sharks. Casey the dog also joined us and continually barked at seagulls, other dogs, and the waves for the entire shoot. He’s a German Shepherd-Chihuahua mix. Just wait, you’ll see. We had a super great time in Nags Head with them and can’t wait to return in August to photograph their wedding in Corolla so Abby and I can talk about sharks and sand some more.

Absolutely stunning work. It all just feels so natural and romantic! :) Love it!
and that shot under the bridge is ah-mazing.
Thanks Kathy!! I love that under the bridge shot too!
dude! is that jennette’s pier!? jennifer and I shot a wedding there last year.
awesome work, as usual, btw!
It is!! And thanks, Michael!
LOVE. I had no idea what to expect from a German Shepherd – Chihuahua mix but ohmygosh adorable. It’s like all the hardcore-ness of a German Shepherd in a much smaller package!
Right? Absolutely. He’s just basically a very shrunken German Shepherd. Kinda amazing.