I have a soft spot in my heart for Corgis. Maybe it’s the stubby legs. Maybe it’s the stubby body. Maybe it’s the bat ears and the ridiculous smile they always seem to have plastered on their faces. I’m not sure, but I love them. So I was very, very excited to photograph two Corgis at the same time. Jami adopted Jack and Cory when she was living in Guam many years ago. Jack (black and white) could no longer be taken care of by his family, and Cory (yellow) was in the very unfortunate situation of being involved in a dog fighting ring. Jami rescued them both, brought them back to the states, and they have been thankfully spoiled rotten ever since and are living very happy and full doggy lives. Unbelievably, Jack is 17 years old, and Cory is 9, but they’re super active and obviously super adorable. They love Jami very much, but Jack decided that his true love might actually be Geoff (who was coincidentally holding the treats). I couldn’t really get Geoff alone for enough time to devise a fool-proof plan to steal both of Jami’s dogs, so they did go home with her instead of us, but at least I have pictures.