If this session doesn’t make you want to run out and buy a matching set of weiner dogs, I’m not sure what will.
Meet the McGuinness family! You might remember them as Melissa and Jimmy. :) Melissa and Jimmy had Frank, their first Dachshund, when Jimmy was stationed over in Germany. Frank unfortunately could not make it over to their wedding that I shot in October 2010. I was brokenhearted as I had been stalking Frank’s various outfits and adorableness via Facebook for some time. After they were married for a little while and moved back to NC, they adopted T-Bone, their second Dachshund (you’ll see that T-Bone is kind of tiger striped). Then, recently completing their big happy family, came Harper, their adorable baby girl and little sister to the adopted fur-children. :) I was so pleased to meet and photograph the new new additions, and it was lovely seeing Melissa and Jimmy again. Their family is beautiful. Harper is a little angel, and Frank and T-Bone are completely and utterly ridiculous… but in a good way.
Jimmy just recently left for a one year deployment in Afghanistan, and they wanted these pictures taken before he left. Jimmy – I wish you a safe and healthy deployment, and I hope these pictures bring you a little bit of comfort.