Annalisa (aka Annie) and Michael are my very own Jersey couple! :D Both hailing from New Jersey, they are currently living in North Carolina where they both attended NC State. They are high school sweethearts of 8 years! :) Annie is a paralegal and Michael works for Wells Fargo, but they were both aspiring to become teachers when they first met (Michael – history, Annie – French). Michael opted out of the teaching career and Annie is still an aspiring French teacher, but they are comfortably doing their own thing in the south at the moment. :)
I met these two when they weren’t sure whether or not they were going to have their wedding in NC or NJ. They ultimately decided on New Jersey for May 2012, but decided to take Geoff and I with them (wooooo!!!), so we’re super stoked to be heading up to The Jersey next year with these guys! Annie is ridiculously prepared for their wedding and has everything bought, planned, and under control with the exception of the limo, which can’t be booked until next year, hahaha. Seriously – it’s pretty amusing. She showed up to our consultation with a binder bigger than mine and several 4×6 photographs of their wedding venue saying, “Keep them, I have a bunch.” Hahaha. I knew this girl meant business.
I’ve since had the privilege of photographing Sabrina, Annie’s dog, and Pookie, Michael’s cat. And now finally their engagement! :D We had an awesome time with them photographing on the NC State campus talking movies and TV and, of course, Annie’s love of the Doors and Michael’s love of the Beatles, but more on that later! Let’s start!

We started off in the free expression tunnel at NC State. There were several spray painters there while we were there, and I’m pretty sure all of us left the tunnel with a mild headache, but it made for good pictures. However, I will say that if you photograph there, you’ll just have to choose the place with the least amount of obscenities… since there’s no escaping them. Luckily this couple is rad, and a few vulgar doodles don’t scare them. ;)

Where’s Annie and Michael? :) Can you see them? :)

Annie – you have the best eyes!!! Ow owwww.

How cute are these two? Annie’s obsessed with the Doors, and Michael’s obsessed with the Beatles. Together they’re an adorable couple who belong in the 1960s wearing flower headbands and hanging out. They each brought their favorite record and matching reading material for the shoot. :) CUTE.

We closed the session in the stacks at NC State with a quick band wardrobe change!

Annie and Michael – you are too wonderful! We are honored to be photographing what is sure to be an AWESOME wedding up in Jersey with you two! We had a great time, lots of laughs, and think these are adorable. :) Hope you love them!