Everyone’s favorite math professors have tied the knot! :) Lindsey and Jonathan are two of the most pleasant people we’ve had the pleasure of working with. Totally laid back, kind, generous, and all with a great sense of humor. Their wedding party and families were the same way and made for one heck of a Sunday night party!! I had been looking forward to shooting a wedding at Marbles ever since I was a nanny. The space is incredible… and even more incredible if you like bright colors like myself. :) It’s also awesome if you feel like acting like you’re twelve, which I also enjoy. It’s also great if you have a super bride and groom who don’t object to you kicking little kids out of a play ambulance so you can take their pictures in it. I don’t like to be totally goofy all the time – I’d like to think my photographs are mostly lovey and sweet without being overly dramatic, but Lindsey and Jonathan knew what they were getting in for when we had our consult… and my overwhelming desire to put them on pirate ships and inside fake underwater caves won out in the end and this is what you get. ;)
Date: July 17th, 2011
Ceremony+Reception Venue: Marbles Kids Museum // Raleigh, NC
Caterer: Green Planet Catering
Hotel: Raleigh Marriott City Center
Get Away Vehicle: Raleigh Rickshaw

Let me just say that Lindsey is one of the sweetest brides and people on the planet. Just very very nice and good and sweet and lovely. Jonathan’s okay too I guess. ;)

Both Lindsey and Jonathan play on an adult soccer league and are both very…very into soccer. Both the guys and the girls were watching the Women’s World Cup while they were getting ready. ;)

Props to the little girl and the mom who we (politely) kicked out of the ambulance for this. ;) Although I can’t say for sure whether or not Jonathan is going to make it since his ace bandage isn’t wrapped terribly tight and his IV fluids seemed to have run out a while ago.

Before the wedding ceremony the couple and I had met a few times because I wasn’t able to attend their rehearsal due to another wedding the day before. Their ceremony was held in the Zanzibar room, and, having shot there before, I knew it’s a hard room to shoot in w/ the overhead light. It’s not really florescent, not really tungsten, and it’s almost track so you get those shadows over the eyes. It’s tough. So the three of us were devising a plan to make it look better when we met in the room and were flicking on and off lights. It turned out that we needed the light or it would’ve been seriously dark, but in doing so we found a black board behind where they were planning on having the ceremony. Initially I thought this was a really big chalkboard and was super excited, but Jonathan realized it was a projection screen (I’m so smart!). He then devised an ingenious plan of projecting one of their favorite van Gogh paintings behind them during the ceremony to spruce it up… and it was adorable! It turned out great and really livened up the space. High-fives for creative couples!

I loved their little flash/place cards on their tables. :) Math professor details! Also, what better place for ring shots than a kids museum?

Lindsey and Jonathan had an ice cream bar instead of cake, which I thoroughly enjoyed since I’m allergic to cake (gluten). :)

Lindsey and Jonathan, you are one of the sweetest couples ever. We wish you the best of luck teaching in West Virginia – and you’ll only be an hour away from the ‘Burgh, so we better see you again when we go home for stuff because if not, we will track you down anyway. Congratulations!!!