day 16/365

so i know that i’m posting this at 11:57pm, but it still counts!!

this is a documentary shot of what geoff does while i’m editing and posting and sorting my online gallery. :) i finished up dottie & jon’s wedding photographs today (LOVE them!) and put them up on the wedding photography portfolio. i’ll blog more photos of them tomorrow! while they were shrinking and uploading and doing all that good stuff, my trusty assistant played super mario. :)


why 365?

day 12/365

i’m sure that there’s been a time when you’re driving and you notice that some letters have burned out on a neon sign only to spell something either a.) obscene or b.) ridiculous. tonight it was shell’s turn to be on the receiving end of the jokes and/or political statements, depending on which way you roll.


why 365?

day 10/365

shot a beautiful wedding today, so posting a little late…and also kind of cheating by posting photographs from last week since i just got in. :)

so now it’s time for an interesting personal story. geoff, my wonderful assistant and lighting stand-in, recently participated in a mustache competition where he indeed won the award for “creepiest” mustache. they all grew beards for a month to avoid wearing a full-on mustache for a month, then shaved it at the beginning of february. geoff normally kinda has a beard, so it wasn’t a big thing for that month…but i’ve gotta say, for the 10 minutes that he had that beard, it was kinda freaking me out.

despite us not being able to locate a bottle of wine and geoff being totally unwilling to open his robe more for my artistic vision, he still won the contest because…as someone pointed out, “it’s all about the setting.”

mustache 048

and shaved afterwards:

RAW 031

why 365?