This beautiful family steals my heart! I photographed Flare, Tre’, and Rye a few years ago when Rye was 8 months old. Now suddenly Rye is walking, talking, has two twin brothers, and is another HUGE fan of Carolyn Scott Photography bat stickers. It was so much fun reuniting with all of them in their gorgeous home. Flare is an extremely talented interior designer who is absolutely brilliant with color schemes and design. Tre’ is a whiz with computers and gaming and has his own little command center setup, which I love and respect. Together they’ve created three incredible humans with obviously awesome fashion taste. Rye is so intelligent and kind and was a great photography assistant! Twins Era-Noel and Seol literally could not stop gazing deep into the camera for the entirety of my visit, and are clearly destined for successful modeling careers. It was so nice to finally see and hug these humans again and meet their wonderful new additions!