- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Wedding photographers in Chapel Hill NC
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- Wedding photographers in North Carolina
- Chapel Hill Wedding Photographers
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Couple walking
- Couple wearing paper crowns on head at wedding
- Couple standing under a tree on wedding day
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Snipes Farm Retreat Wedding
- Wedding photographers in Chapel Hill
- Wedding photographers in Chapel Hill
- Wedding photographers in Chapel Hill
- Wedding photographers in Chapel Hill
- Wedding photographers in Chapel Hill
- Wedding photographers in Chapel Hill
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Hermit crabs at wedding
- Wedding couple holding hermit crabs
- Hermit crabs at wedding
- Couple brings hermit crabs to wedding
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
- Snipes Farm Retreat venue Chapel Hill NC
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- Farm wedding venues in NCFarm wedding venues in NC
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- Wedding at Snipes Farm Retreat
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- Wedding at Snipes Farm Retreat
- Wedding at Snipes Farm Retreat
- Wedding at Snipes Farm Retreat
- Wedding at Snipes Farm Retreat
- Confetti exit at wedding
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Marissa and John found us, liked our website bats, and booked us. We met them, liked Marissa’s bangs and John’s happy smile, and accepted. Also, they have hermit crabs. AND THE HERMIT CRABS CAME TO THE WEDDING. I was so excited. I was disappointed none had been wearing a top hat or a little gown, but I guess there’s only so much you can do (they did travel all the way from Boone after all, and were probably tired doing all of their… hermit crab… things). Marissa and John are the happiest, friendliest, super chillest teacher people we know (and it’s a good thing they are because they will make fantastic and patient teachers and the world needs them). There was a bajillion kajillion chance of rain on their wedding day, and for an outdoor ceremony, that’s not so good. And rain it did. And then it stopped. And we took pictures, ran outside, did a ceremony, and then the rain started again. And then it stopped. And then we took some pictures. And it started again. And then it stopped. And we did their exit. And then it started again. So, I’d say we were as lucky as we could possibly be at dodging rain again this weekend. Can you believe Marissa’s bangs looked this good with such high humidity? It’s crazy.
- Date: May 29, 2016
- Ceremony + Reception Venue: Snipes Farm Retreat // Chapel Hill, NC
- First Dance Song: “Lucky” – Jason Mraz
- Marissa’s Occupation: Completing her Master’s in Elementary Education
- John’s Occupation: Student teaching in the High Country and will graduate in December
- How You Met: We met in 9th grade during our first period English class. After being friends for about 3 years, we started dating our second semester senior year right before prom.
- Interesting Marissa Facts: Marissa loves to send mail and has been pen pals with Abby, one of the wedding helpers, for almost 4 years. Marissa loves to bake and her favorite meal is brunch. Marissa loves John, but is keeping her last name, Minnick, after their wedding.
- Interesting John Facts: John does most of our cooking and loves looking for new recipes – he’s a stellar cook and has taught Marissa a lot! John loves fish and has spent the past year doing research on fish species in the New River. John loves Legos and collects Monopoly games. Right now, he has 12 different versions of Monopoly.
- Honeymoon: Classes! We’re both taking a full load of summer courses at Appalachian.
- Vendor Credits: Officiant – John Oliver. Florist – Marissa! Peach Cobbler – Southern Season. Caterer – Durham Catering Company.