day 8/365

over a week now of project 365 and i think it’s been going really well! although i have to say that i’ve been kinda busy this week and haven’t put as much thought into staging photographs as i would’ve liked, but i’m getting there! i’ve been concentrating a lot on inventing different poses that i haven’t used before for the wedding this weekend. as a wedding and portrait photographer, let me just say that there are only so many poses that you can think of off the top of your head. it has really helped me immensely to sketch and plan them out beforehand so that i can remember the visions that i had for the shoot. oftentimes i write down shot lists on index cards and geoff reads them off to me. it also helps the session run much smoother so you’re not standing there saying, “umm…” while you wait for inspiration to strike. :) also – 58 degrees and sunny this saturday! i don’t think you could ask for better weather for a february wedding.


why 365?

day 6/365

this bucket of “tools” used to make  impenetrable sand castle forts and moats has sat neglected on our deck since august. occasionally we’ll have a bout of wind which blows a plastic shovel or two around or scatters some small plastic blocks into the neighbors’ yards. but besides gathering said “tools” from around the neighborhood, the bucket has large sat untouched. when it started to rain regularly from january on, the bucket filled up with water and inevitably froze within the past couple weeks.

now the bucket and award-winning-moat-building materials are frozen together…sitting on our deck and patiently waiting for summer to arrive so geoff can build another mellon arena out of sand.

icebucket 004 icebucket 003 icebucket 006

*tip: if you squint really hard and look west, sometimes it looks like summer’s already here.

why 365?