camping was awesome! more to come on that later. however, being in the woods for 2.5 days can get really old really fast as you get continually rained on, swat hornets away from your fire-burnt food, and run up an incredible sleep debt due to all the shuffling noises outside your small overheated tent at night. we had a great time, but boy… i’m glad to be back in the world of showers, internet access, and microwaves. i’ll be posting pictures from our journey later this week.
here’s some photos from my session with travis and jennifer – a really adorable couple who were great to work with. they let me put them in all sorts of perilous jungle-gym situations while being gawked at by a bunch of 5-10 year olds manning the playground. you guys are awesome! :)

Dude, I can’t wait for this weekend! Buying airplane tix or renting a car tomorrow morning. I’ll let you know my method of travel soon.