Guys! Tyler has now gone from a baby to a toddler. How does that happen? Science, I guess, and time. And now that he’s older, he’s starting to show some preferences and affinities that I hope he carries with him through the rest of his life. Namely: his love of cats and his overuse of sprinkles while making cookies. When I say cats, I mean their two pet cats Bongo and Max who stare at us from the top step and then run, and also his orange stuffed cat named Tom who does not leave Tyler’s side. And when I say overuse of sprinkles, I mean that 99% of that cookie is comprised of sprinkles, and I’m really not sure how you’d eat it, but I support it.

Tyler also likes painting his parents, running through bubbles, and looking aggravated while sitting on top of a gnome stool. He also likes making Super Target stores out of sand in his sand box (he is going to be such a catch). We are told that he wants to be a “big fat morning dove” when he grows up, and he enjoys riding his tricycle, identifying dogs on walks, and feeding ducks when they are at the pond. Laurin and Tim enjoy really wonderful art, really wonderful wallpaper, Game of Thrones, and keeping up with Tyler. The best part of taking photos of repeat clients is seeing how they got a large print made of Tyler looking aggravated while sitting on top of a gnome stool. We absolutely adore this family.

These guyyyys! First of all, everyone in this family has a great name. Everyone. Including the dog. Second of all, I’m going to steal all of their furniture, wallpaper, and paint colors. Third of all, Flossie and I have the same cat-head pillow. I showed her proof on my phone, which is how I finally won over her trust. Once she knew that we shared the same cat-head pillow, but that we also have and like cats, then Flossie figured we must be trust-worthy adults, and proceeded with the session instead of hiding behind her mom. Obviously, we share the same method of determining whether or not people should be liked. While I was working the Flossie angle, Geoff showed Linus his Boba Fett tattoo in order to gain Star Wars street cred, and then we were golden. After that, we systematically destroyed their living room by turning it into a fort, and made pancakes that involved a lot of free-floating flour that got on the clothes, faces, and hair of everyone (including Vegas the long-haired wiener dog of my dreams), and then slowwwwly backed out the door with our hands up, ran into our car, and sped away… leaving them with the wreckage of their formally very clean house.  But not before a lot of basketball was played, fingernails were painted, and dance parties were had. These kids are adorable (Linus is also rocking the same haircut as Geoff, and if I were two feet shorter I’d be coming back to steal all of Flossie’s outfits) and their parents are awesome, and a great time was had by all.

We were so lucky to come into contact with Laurin, who found our website and liked our bats (my kind of girl) and booked us for her family session at their home. :) Their home is impressive and their kitchen wallpaper is the best I’ve ever seen, not to mention there’s a small gallery wall above their couch with a variety of awesome art featuring a space skull. Also, there’s a terrarium in the sitting room filled with moss and dinosaurs, and it was not built for 7 month old kiddo Tyler, but rather Laurin and Tim built it for themselves. I’d move in if it wouldn’t be weird. Laurin and Tim enjoy Game of Thrones, soccer, and taking care of Tyler. Tyler enjoys apple sauce, piggy back rides, his play mat, and spitting the apple sauce back up onto his dad. Grandma, Laurin’s mom, also joined us at the house to help out and take part in the photos. We were super happy to do this at home family session for these wonderful people. Enjoy their cuteness (and their wallpaper!).