We had all sorts of good times in Charlotte! This is Sarah and Jimmy, the second Charlotte couple we had the fantastic good luck of booking this year. :) They too live in Charlotte but are getting married in Asheville, and I was too excited to meet them. Sarah and I had talked over the phone and got along great, but it’s always nice to put a face to a voice. And, of course, to meet Jimmy – her other half. These guys are two peas in an adorable outdoorsy pod! Jimmy is a rock climbing instructor (neat!) and Sarah teaches Algebra 2 (yay teachers!).
They both love spending time outdoors and are in a transient phase of life (both are from Georgia, living in Charlotte, and possibly moving on shortly to the northeast), so we wanted their pictures to focus on them, their love for each other, and their love for the outdoors. Sarah suggested Freedom Park which, although located nearly in uptown Charlotte, is an awesome outdoorsy oasis! We took the pictures pretty early when we’d still have great light and, despite Jimmy, Geoff, and I yawning a whole heck of a lot, we had a great time and the pictures came out fabulous! Having a couple as cute as them makes it easy, though. :)

It doesn’t get much more outdoorsy than this! I read somewhere that Charlotte is the #1 worst city in the US for springtime allergies, and I believe it. :)

These suspension bridges reminded me of Costa Rica… only not as fundamentally unstable.

So I found this giant boulder thing in the middle of the park and wanted to use it because it had some funky light going on that I wanted to work with. It seemed like a really easy spot to sit on, but it turns out that it’s really smooth and Sarah just continually slipped off.
Sarah: I’m slipping off!
Carolyn: Jimmy, can you hold Sarah up? There… that doesn’t look too awkward. :P
Sometimes you just have to go with it. :) Sometimes it works! Sometimes it doesn’t. But I liked this lighting and color too much to give it up!

My faaavorite of the day. :) You just can’t go wrong with a chain link fence and some awesome ivy and people as adorable as them!

We hope you love these, Sarah+Jimmy! We are so looking forward to joining you in July in Asheville! And to everyone else – the next blog post will be their ADORABLE dog Clive… my third Charlotte subject. :)