I love reconnecting with folks whose weddings we photographed back in the day, so I was very much looking forward to seeing Amanda and Jen again! But little did I know that I would pull up behind their house and hear a very emphatic “CAROLYN SCOTT!!!” from a small voice, which continued over and over again. Their incredibly gregarious daughter was so excited to meet me (the feeling was mutual) and she ran around saying things like, “Carolyn Scott, this is my house!” and “Carolyn Scott, these are my toys!” and “Carolyn Scott, let’s go to the playground!” I was addressed by my full name the whole time, which was delightful. At one point she also picked up a stick to use as a cane, put her hand on her back and said, “Look, I’m an old lady.” She’s great. Their son is also great – he enjoys the pastimes of walking and repeatedly falling, and also enjoys rolling down grassy hills. But my favorite thing about him is that he will not wait for the pizza to be cooked because why wait when you can just eat it right now? He would be a huge fan of the cold pizza Lunchable box. These guys made up such a beautiful, lively little family. It was so fun to see Amanda and Jen again, but really wonderful to see these confident and hilarious humans they’re raising.