It was so much fun to meet this beautiful family! Sarah and Ryan have a newborn baby girl who was four weeks at the time of this shoot and who did a stellar job modeling in a variety of adorable outfits (also swaddled in an adorable Chicago-themed blankie). She’s being carefully watched over by her two older sisters, a Goldendoodle named Bella and a Bernadoodle named Daisy, who absolutely love their new addition. Bella and Daisy also absolutely loved me, and the feeling was mutual. They are such sweet pups! They did their best job modeling for photos alongside their new sister in their very gorgeous home. Everyone was so excited for Baby Girl’s arrival and for her photoshoot, and I’m so glad I got to be a part of documenting the early days of their family together.

Such a joy to photograph this family again, this time with the bright and shining new addition of a baby boy! Abbi and Olivia have been dear clients and friends for a few years and we’ve quickly bonded over our love of home projects and animals. I should’ve known that their newborn’s room would be equally adorable, complete with painted outlet covers (!) and a beautiful dresser that Olivia had just finished building. I also was able to take photos of the boys on a gorgeous quilt that Abbi made. Their home is full of personal touches everywhere you look, and these boys are so well loved by their mamas and their precious doggo, Basil. This blog post is dedicated in memory to their beloved dog Maizee, who I had the privilege of working with over the years, and who was a beautiful, sweet soul who will be dearly missed.


hope everyone had a fantastic holiday! we had a great time home in the ‘burgh, driving in snow, snow tubing, and scraping ice off our cars in the -8 degree windchill. :) we’ve been scrambling to get our lives back together and in order since we’ve gotten back…and this week we’re getting on the right track. :) new pricing for the new year, new packages, and a very busy schedule await us this year and we’re pumped! but now it’s time to play catch up.

shortly before the holidays my friend jennifer received the lovely gift of a beautiful niece! mackenzie was born november 23, 2009 at 6lbs and 15oz and is as healthy and amazing as can be. she’s really an adorable baby girl who is incredibly happy and content. jennifer bought her sister a session with me for christmas and i got to meet the lovely mom danielle and her gorgeous newborn! we all had a great time catching up with each other, admiring baby mackenzie, and enjoying the company of max…the greatest weiner dog ever.

the following two pictures demonstrate the impact a weiner dog has on the level of fun in your photoshoot.

geoff standing in for a lighting test by himself: not so fun


geoff standing in for a lighting test with a weiner dog: totally fun


and now for the adorable baby!!










