Such a joy to photograph this family again, this time with the bright and shining new addition of a baby boy! Abbi and Olivia have been dear clients and friends for a few years and we’ve quickly bonded over our love of home projects and animals. I should’ve known that their newborn’s room would be equally adorable, complete with painted outlet covers (!) and a beautiful dresser that Olivia had just finished building. I also was able to take photos of the boys on a gorgeous quilt that Abbi made. Their home is full of personal touches everywhere you look, and these boys are so well loved by their mamas and their precious doggo, Basil. This blog post is dedicated in memory to their beloved dog Maizee, who I had the privilege of working with over the years, and who was a beautiful, sweet soul who will be dearly missed.

We have been photographing Kim, Ginny, and their dog Levi since 2014 and they are so special to us! They live in DC, but they either come down to us, or we go up to them depending on who is in town for what various other things. This time we had a wedding in DC so we hung out with them near one of their favorite walking trails. And this time the adorable fluff of a dog named Levi brought his new brother Finn with him! Both Levi and Finn are Coton de Tulears and that translates directly to “A Ball of the Cutest Fluff You’ve Ever Seen.”
Levi is a mature gentlemen of 12 who has triumphed over a heart condition and now continues to live comfortably following everyone around. But! His energy has surged since Finn was adopted, and now they both act like puppies, frolicking and following everyone around together. Finn is a tad more unpredictable than good old reliable Levi, but not in a bad way, just in a little, easily distracted puppy sort of way. However, he is still 98% just a ball of fluff with eyes, so he’s quite easy to wrangle. But, I’m not entirely certain he’s real. Half of the pictures I took look like someone made the cutest stuffed dog in the world designed for optimal sales to small children and just sat it in front of me. He is almost unbelievably cute.
We’re so happy this family of four continues to see us (we LOVE seeing them!) and we’re glad Finn hit the family jackpot! Love you guys!

I blogged his owner’s engagement session yesterday, so now it’s Clive’s turn! :) Sarah and Jimmy got Clive in October, and he’s been getting big fast. They had been following my pet sessions and wanted to book him one after their engagement as well as get some “family portraits” with Clive, and I was happy to! Clive is a black lab mix who enjoys his green rubber stick, his green rubber ball, and getting his belly rubbed. Although he hasn’t gone hiking or swimming yet, I imagine he’s going to go on a lot of outdoor adventures this spring and summer now that he’s a little older and the weather is nice. :)

Charlotte pet photographer

Raleigh pet photographer

Clive is a sweetie pie. “Want me to turn my head a little like this?” :)

Charlotte pet photographer

Raleigh pet photographer

Charlotte pet photographer

Charlotte pet photographer

Charlotte pet photographer

Raleigh pet photographer

Charlotte pet photographer

Raleigh pet photographer

Charlotte pet photographer

Look at that face! Clive is a fun-loving goofball. :)

pet photographer

dog portraits black lab mix

“I’m getting a little tired and am just going to lean against your leg like this, okay? Okay.”

Charlotte pet photographer

Charlotte pet photographer

Charlotte pet photographer

Charlotte pet photographer

Clive decided he wanted to get some Doggy GQ shots in and voluntarily cross his paws and was looking very majestic. We love you, Clive! It was an honor to be your doggy photographer!

Charlotte pet photographer