- Gilded Bridal Raleigh, NC
- Wedding dress store Raleigh Durham NC
- Wedding dress boutique Raleigh
- Promo business headshots Raleigh NC
- Women business owners Downtown Raleigh
- Wedding dress boutique Raleigh
- Gilded Bridal Raleigh, NC
- Women business owners Downtown Raleigh
- Wedding dress store Raleigh Durham NC
- Promo business headshots Raleigh NC
- Wedding dress boutique Raleigh
- Promo business headshots Raleigh NC
- Gilded Bridal Raleigh, NC
- Wedding dress store Raleigh Durham NC
- Women business owners Downtown Raleigh
- Promo business headshots Raleigh NC
- Wedding dress boutique Raleigh
- Wedding dress store Raleigh Durham NC
- Gilded Bridal Raleigh, NC
- Wedding dress store Raleigh Durham NC
- Women business owners Downtown Raleigh
- Wedding dress boutique Raleigh
- Promo business headshots Raleigh NC
- Wedding dress store Raleigh Durham NC
- Gilded Bridal Raleigh, NC
- Promo business headshots Raleigh NC
- Wedding dress boutique Raleigh
- Gilded Bridal Raleigh, NC
- Wedding dress store Raleigh Durham NC
- Women business owners Downtown Raleigh
We’re so happy to bring you part two of my shoot with Gilded Bridal! Here’s part one, in case you missed it. Part two’s mission was to photograph the interior of Gilded Bridal, the new wedding gown boutique in downtown Raleigh, and to take some headshots of my beloved wedding client Susan as she’s now become a successful business owner! So proud of her and her BEAUTIFUL space that she and her Dad designed and constructed. It is truly a fantastic addition to downtown Raleigh and to the local wedding industry. She is open now and taking appointments for wedding dress clients! Visit her website, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to learn more. If you’re looking for something fabulous, Susan has it. There’s no guarantee that she’ll be dressed up in as many veils and belts and tulle as I made her wear, but I promise she’s amazing either way.
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