I’ve worked with this family several times in my life and every time I do I’m better for it. Not just because they’re wonderful people but they’re also some of the funniest I’ve met, so I always come away with new jokes and songs. This time they taught me a song about peeing and a song about how you don’t have to wash black socks because they never look dirty. I think it goes without saying that I love them all and their three dogs. They’re such a fun bunch and they treat me like family every time, no matter how long it’s been since I’ve seen them. They also like Legos. Like, pretty extravagant Legos that take a long time to build and I respect that. I had a great time visiting with this hilarious crew, building Legos, fighting with lightsabers, blowing bubbles, swinging on hammocks, knocking down blocks and eating donuts. So happy to have them be a part of my client family! Much love to Robert and Julie, Hannah and Benny, Ben and Jen, and the kids!