Category: Pets

If you’ve been following us for any length of time you probably recognize the furry face of Levi, dog extraordinaire. You know – the one who makes the crazy faces when you pick up his ears or when you make high-pitched noises for a while. Loved for his antics as well as his no-nonsense attitude (you want me to do what? pose for you? no. not even for treats. not even if you squeak that plush pig at me. i will stand my ground and eat this grass over here.), this is Levi’s third shoot with us. But before it was more a Levi side-note. Not that Levi is ever a side-note in our book, but in prior shoots he was previously an accent to the love of his wonderful parents, Kim and Ginny (who are our clients-turned-friends who we are so lucky to have in our lives when we get a chance to see their wonderful faces!).

This time, our task was a Levi-focused photos session where Kim and Ginny were finally the side-notes to Levi, as we celebrate Levi’s 9th year on the planet. We bought him a squeaky chipmunk for his birthday. He did not care about it. I can’t help but think he would’ve preferred the birthday cake shaped hat that said, “It’s my barkday!” on it. We took him to a park where he could roam free, graze on grass, run from his parents, and generally mess up his incredibly well-groomed hair. He fell asleep in the car before they even left the parking lot to go home. We love you, Levi, and we are so happy to document you in your 9th year of being absolutely adorable.

CSP Class of 2015.

We are so, so grateful for all of our wonderful clients in 2015. The best part of this job is meeting so many new people, and we had some of the best this year. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for being a part of our small business and our lives. This year we photographed two Rachels, two Carolines, two Matthews, three Saras (some with an h, some without), four Jessicas, three Jennifers, three Johns, two Tims, two Emilys, three Abbys, two Michelles (one with one L, one with two), two Alexes, two Erins, two Erics, and a lot of other people who didn’t have a name twin. We love you all, and cannot wait to meet more of you in 2016. :) Looking forward to going into our 8th year of business. Congratulations to the CSP Class of 2015!

It is with great love and enthusiasm that we induct Claudia, Ron, and Layla into the CSP 3rd Timers Club! We’ve had three sessions with these two amazing dog parents and their pups. Layla, the golden Golden Retriever, has been with us from the beginning with her brother Canela. When Canela passed away, Layla and her parents adopted Reagan, the white Golden Retriever, who is now being inducted into the CSP 2nd Timers Club. ;) The dogs are so excited when they greet us that I’d like to think they remember us, which I think also might be true because Layla is very good at posing for us at this point. She sits where she’s supposed to, looks at the camera, kind of dog-smiles, and then either looks like she’s falling asleep standing, or it’s her version of the Tyra Banks “smize,” I can’t really tell. Reagan is still learning about cameras and modeling, but he can tell you all about his purple dragon toy, and repeatedly give you his paw when his parents go out of reach for reassurance (either for himself or for me, I also can’t tell).

Claudia and Ron, the humans in this story, are two of the most wonderful and gracious people we’ve had the pleasure of working with. And it is truly an honor to photograph them for the third time. That means so much to us and is such a huge compliment that I can’t even adequately describe it. It’s just nice to see the same people over and over again and to have our work trusted and appreciated. We really love these guys, and we love their dogs, and we love how kind and gentle they are to their dogs (and to us!). Also, we love Claudia’s accent, so that doesn’t hurt either. Happy 10th wedding anniversary, Claudia+Ron! And here’s to many, many more. :)