i love editing wedding photos. i love editing all photos… seeing them on an LCD screen while you’re shooting  is not the same as seeing them on your wide angle beast of a computer screen in proper color. once you bring your camera home it is so exciting to look at the photographs and see what you’ve got. the day goes by in a blur and you often forget ones you took just an hour or two ago. also, as a photographer you should grow with each new wedding as each event poses a new and different challenge. so as i go through the photographs i try to critique things and think of how to improve for next time. or, if i really love the shot, i think about how i achieved it and what to continue to do for the next wedding.

here are some more of nichole and kevin, the lovely couple from this past weekend. i’ll be updating my blog with a few photographs each day from the wedding as i go through these. one thing i loved about this wedding is how excited nichole and kevin were to marry each other – you can really see the happiness in their faces throughout the day. it’s adorable!!


spot the photographer!


nichole’s adorable little bro. he avoided getting his picture taken at all costs and i had pretty much had to sneak attack him all day.



putting a tux on a teething baby is hard work, but somebody’s got to do it.


with the happy mother-in-law and mom.


nichole looked simply wonderful!


until tomorrow, kids!