my hero of the weekend/month/year/life.
thanks, geoff.

my hero of the weekend/month/year/life.
thanks, geoff.
i normally don’t post on fridays, but i’ll be in williamsburg, va tomorrow at busch gardens… and i certainly don’t think i’ll be blogging from any roller coasters. :) i’ll be back on sunday to dive head first into the next several months worth of shoots, editing, client meetings, etc. time flies. i wish i could say that i would be taking pictures at the park tomorrow, but i won’t. and as strongly as i believe in the “take your camera everywhere with you” adage, i really think amusement parks should be left out for two reasons:
i want to be thinking of nothing but “waaaaaaaaaaah” when i am on a roller coaster instead of “waaaaaaaaah oh no i hope my camera is okay waaaaaaaaah.”
so have a wonderful weekend and i’ll see you on sunday.
yes! finally made a watermark on my photos that will be consistent. this took about two seconds, but for some reason i couldn’t find the time to do it before. it’ll be on my blog pics from now on.
here’s to the good weather, everyone. :)